Chase The Ace
Are you READY to PLAY?
Apr 12, 2017 Chase the Ace is a fun kid's card game. It has also been played by adults with different variations added and usually involving gambling. The following steps will show you how to play the basic Chase the Ace kid's version of this game. Place a bet to begin!
- We all love the thrill of a good chase. Add in the highly coveted Ace of Spades and a GROWING progressive jackpot. A chance to win big; maybe even live your dream. And you’ve got the makings for some serious entertainment and excitement. Catch the Ace is a great way to support Hospice Niagara from the comfort of your home.
- Chase the Ace (Card Game) For 3 or more players. From a standard pack of cards remove the Jokers, Ace of Clubs, the Ace of Hearts and the Ace of Diamonds, but leave in the Ace of Spades. Deal the remaining cards out, face down, evenly among the players.
The RVH Foundation is excited to announce that we have LAUNCHED our next Catch the Ace Progressive lottery. CASH Sales only.
WEEK 18 Results
Our Week 18 Catch the Ace draw is in the books! Our weekly winners are Nicole Wilkes & Jalal Aouinate from Douglas. Nicole and Jalal bought their ticket at Dahl’s Convenience in Renfrew. Nicole and Jalal chose envelope # 1 which revealed the THREE of SPADES.
In the true spirit of community and to ensure the safety of our community members and support our vendors with their upgraded Covid-19 restrictions we would like to OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCE that we will be putting our Catch the Ace Progressive Lottery draw on a short PAUSE! Our Week 19 draw will be delayed and ticket sales for WEEK 19 will start with provincial restrictions are lifted. We will keep you updated on our RE-LAUNCH right here on our website, on our FACEBOOK Page at Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation, on MYFM radio and on signage posted at our vendor locations.
Our 2020 Retail locations:
The lottery starts with 52 playing cards individually sealed in envelopes numbered 1 through 52. These envelopes are put on display in the Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation office. Nobody knows which envelope contains the Ace of Spades – until the lucky winner catches it!
When tickets are purchased supporters will be asked topre-select an envelope number on their ticket stub. The lucky weeklywinner takes home 20% of that week’s ticket revenues and the envelope numberselected on the ticket will be opened to reveal a playing card. If the card isnot the Ace of Spades, the card will be destroyed and the lottery continues foranother week. If the card is the Ace of Spades, the weekly winner also winthe progressive jackpot! The progressive jackpot grows each week with 30%of weekly ticket sales revenue being added in.
Where can I get tickets?
Tickets are available for $5 each (cash only) and will be available at the following locations:
- Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation 499 Raglan Street North, Renfrew, ON K7V 1P6
- Ray’s Flowers 266 Raglan St S, Renfrew, ON K7V 1R4
- Renfrew Printing 173 Raglan St S, Renfrew, ON K7V 1R2
- Gourley’s Variety 1564 ON-132, Renfrew, ON K7V 3Z5
- Irving’s Pump and Munch Convenience 357 Stewart St, Renfrew ON K7V 143
- Home Health & Medical Supplies 200 Bruce St, Renfrew ON K7V 3Z9
- Mack MacKenzie Motors Ltd. 547 New Street, Renfrew, ON K7V 1H1
- Sterling’s NO FRILLS 680 O’Brien Road, Renfrew, ON K7V 3Z4
- Scott’s Hardware 150 Raglan St S, Renfrew, ON K7V 1R1
- Aikenhead’s Pharma Choice 226 Raglan St S, Renfrew, ON K7V 1R1
- Renfrew METRO 83 Raglan St S, Renfrew, ON K7V 1P8
- Renfrew ESSO 9 Raglan St. S, Renfrew, ON K7V 1P8

- Neat Coffee Shop 1715 Calabogie Rd, Burnstown, ON K0J 1G0
- Charbonneau’s Grocery 699 Mill Street, Calabogie, ON K0J 1H0
- Foodland Eganville 8754 Highway 50, Eganville, ON K0J 1T0
- Olmstead’s Home Hardware 98 Main St,Cobden ON, K0J 1K0
How to play
2020 Catch The Ace RULES OF PLAY
TheRenfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation Catch the Ace lottery is a progressiveraffle lottery; a multiple-draw game in which participants purchase tickets fora weekly chance to win, and is managed and instituted by member of the RenfrewVictoria Hospital Foundation.
RVH Foundation Catch the Ace Ticketswill be sold CASH ONLY
- Tickets are $5.00 each
- Participants must be at least18 years of age – proof of age may be required at ticket outlets
- Tickets can be purchased withCASH only at designated locations
- Ticket DRAW time and LOCATIONwill be identified on the TICKET and posted where tickets are sold
- Cash tickets are in TWO parts;one the ticket itself (retained by the purchaser) and the larger ticket stub
- Both parts of the ticket shouldhave the same envelope number clearly written as chosen by the purchaser.
- The ticket purchaser must entera VALID Envelope number from the list of available numbers remaining in playpublished for that week’s draw.
- The ticket purchaser will beresponsible to ensure that the ticket and stub are FILLED OUT CORRECTLY andLEGIBLY.
- Group tickets must have ONEfull name printed clearly on the front of ticket designated as the captain.With captain in brackets beside. Thatindividual is then responsible for dispersal of winnings to group. The groupname to be printed clearly on the back of ticket.
- The use of sticker labels isnot permitted.
- Should a bona fide member findtickets that have been physically altered in any way, those found tickets willbe marked void and the bona fide member will rewrite a replacement ticket to beentered into the current draw
- Each weekly ticket batch willbe unique from draw to draw (in number sequence, color of tickets and weeklydraw number). There will be NOduplication of ticket numbers per weekly draw under the license. Tickets will be purchased and the ticketnumbers will be logged for each draw and cross referenced prior to sellingtickets.
- Cash tickets will be sold on aweekly basis starting Thursday evening at the end of the current draw andterminating the next week on Thursday evening 5:45pm at the draw location.
- Tickets will be sold on aweekly basis at designated cash locations until 12:00pm on the day of thedraw. Tickets will be available forpurchase at the Draw Location until 5:45pm with the draw commencing at 6:00pm.
- The tickets are ONLY eligibleand valid for the weekly draw in which they were purchased.
- The Renfrew Victoria HospitalFoundation reserves the right to limit the number of tickets sold to anindividual or group of people per weekly draw.
- The Catch the Ace Draw saleswill continue until the ACE of SPADES has been drawn. Once that takes place, the CURRENT Catch theAce Draw will end.
Prize money allocations will be as follows:
- Twenty percent (20%) of theweekly sales will go directly to the winner of the ticket drawn
- Thirty percent (30%) of theweekly sales will be added to the PROGRESSIVE PRIZE Jackpot
- Fifty percent (50%) of theweekly sales will be allocated to the Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation
- Should the winner of the ticketchosen have selected the envelope containing the ACE of SPADES, the winner willbe awarded:
- The Twenty percent (20%) of theweekly sales
- The total rising ProgressiveJack pot of monies including the Thirty percent (30%) of the proceeds from thesale of the tickets in the current weekly draw.
- If in the event, an invalidEnvelope number was identified on the winning ticket stub, the next LOWESTEnvelope number to the Envelope number identified on the winning ticket wouldbe determined as the SELECTED ENVELOPE. If the next lowest number is notavailable, then the next closest envelope will be determined as the SELECTEDENVELOPE. If there is no number indicated, thelowest available number will be selected.
- A minimum of two (2) RenfrewVictoria Hospital Foundation bona fide members must participate in the DrawBoard preparation
- Before commencing the lotteryticket sales, a deck of fifty-two (52) playing cards will be randomly shuffledand left face down.
- Without being revealed, each ofthe playing cards will be placed in identical, envelopes that are sealed
- The envelopes will then beshuffled.
- The envelopes will then begiven a number label marked from one (1) to fifty-two (52)
- The envelopes will be placed innumerical order in a LOCKED display case that will act as the DRAW BOARD.
- The DRAW BOARD will always beunder the care of a Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation bona fide member in asecurely locked office accessible only to the Executive Director.
- Weekly ticket draws will beCONDUCTED and MANAGED by a minimum of two (2) bona fide members of the RenfrewVictoria Hospital Foundation
- One (1) bona fide member of theRenfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation will announce the draw details, and thenproceed to DRAW the winning ticket from the Raffle drum, announce the weeklywinner from the drawn ticket and announce the envelope number chosen.
Chase The Ace Dice Game
Immediatelyprior to each draw the following will be announced to those present andpublically via facebook live
- The number of the currentweekly Draw
- The Ticket Sales of the currentweekly Draw
- The Draw Prize (Twenty Percent(20%) of the weekly sales)
- The current Progressive Jackpotamount (including the Thirty percent (30%) from the weekly sales for thecurrent draw)
- Cumulative proceeds to theRenfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation.
- The other bona fide member of the Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation will; shake the draw drum to mix the tickets, open the locked draw board, remove the chosen envelope, lock the draw board, open the sealed envelope, and remove and reveal and announce the card from within the chosen envelope, and destroy the revealed card. This member will also call the number on the winning ticket to inform the winner of the prize amount and how to claim their prize.
- Those two (2) bona fide members who conduct and manage the draw MUST NOT HAVE A TICKET IN THE DRAW IN THEIR NAME or have someone purchase a ticket for them in their name for that weekly draw.
- The bona fide member drawing the winning ticket MUST NOT have purchased, or have had someone purchase a ticket for them in their name for that weekly draw.
- Other than those listed above, all other people assisting in the weekly draw, including a bona fide members of the Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation who are NOT conducting/managing the draw, will be eligible to have a ticket in the draw in their name.
- Ticket draws will take place at 6:00pm every Thursday. It is guaranteed that the draw will not take place prior to this time. However, depending on a number of factors, it may take place after this time. Organizers will do their best to keep as close to 6:00pm as possible, though delays are possible and at times inevitable. Should there be a need to cancel a regularly scheduled ticket draw; potential participants will be notified on our website, through our Facebook page: Renfrew Victoria Hospital and on our dedicated Catch the Ace website at
- At 6:00pm, one (1) ticket will be randomly drawn from all tickets sold in the week leading up to the current draw. The name of the winning ticket holder will be announced along with the envelope number chosen.
- The winning ticket holder will receive the weekly prize amounting to twenty percent (20%) of the weekly draw ticket sales.
- The draw board will be unlocked and the envelope number chosen on the winning ticket will be removed from the draw board and the draw board will be relocked.
- The envelope with the chosen number shown on the winning ticket will be opened and the card contained within revealed, announced, and after which, that card is destroyed.
- If the ACE of SPADES is selected, in addition to winning the prize from the draw, the ticket purchaser will win the progressive jackpot.
- The ticket purchaser drawn does NOT have to be in attendance to win.
- If the lottery proceeds untilweek Fifty-one (51), that is, when there are just two (2) unopened envelopesremaining. At that draw the winningticket holder will receive the weekly prize of twenty percent (20%) of theweekly ticket sales. If the ACE ofSPADES is NOT selected from the first winning ticket drawn, another ticket(s) willbe drawn to conclude the lottery.
- This subsequent ticket and allsubsequent tickets drawn after the first ticket WILL NOT WIN the weekly prize.
- If the subsequent ticket drawndoes NOT have the same number as the single remaining unopened envelope number,that ticket shall be discarded and another ticket drawn. This requirement on Draw 52 to correctlyguess the remaining envelope number will be the only time the correct envelopenumber must be selected in advance.
- Draws will continue to be madeuntil the ticket drawn has the envelope number that reveals the ACE of SPADES. The person with that winning ticket shall bedeclared the Progressive Jackpot winner.
- With the ACE of SPADES drawn,the series of draws for this raffle lottery will end.
- All draws will be videorecorded and available to the licensing authority upon request. The video recording will be in highdefinition at least 720p in a well-lit environment with unobstructed views ofall raffle activities including:
- Selection of the winning draw ticket
- Selection of the envelope by the bearer on the winning ticket
- Reveal of the playing card in the selected envelope
- Destruction of the playing card
- All video recordings will bemaintained for at least thirty (30) calendar days from the draw date, afterwhich time they may be deleted or destroyed as determined by the Alcohol andGaming Commission Guide for the raffle.
- Any winning ticket holder whois paid a prize agrees to grant to the Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation anirrevocable right to publish through all types of media broadcasting, includingthe internet for purposes of promoting the win, their full name, hometown andphotograph without any claim for broadcasting, printing or other rights. The winning ticket holder who is paid a prizealso gives the Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation the right to publish anyadditional information that they voluntarily provide. The winning ticket holder shall have no claimagainst the Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation for invasion of privacy or anyother grounds by reason of the publication or broadcasting their name, hometownor photograph or information voluntarily provided by the winner.
- If it is deemed that at anypoint during the Lottery, the bona fide members who are conducting and managingthe draw cannot ensure the safety of participants, staff, volunteers and thepublic through every reasonable measure has been taken, those bona fide memberswill conclude the current lottery on the following Tuesday.
After Weekly Draw Details
- Tickets are valid only for thedraw for which they are purchased. Oncethe draw is completed, the non-winning tickets are removed from the raffledrum. A new series of tickets will besold for the next draw.
- After each draw that does NOTproduce the ACE of SPADES, the remaining envelopes with the cards in them willbe kept in a secure location.
- At the conclusion of each draw,all non-winning tickets will be removed from the drum, and (together with allremaining unsold tickets for that draw) retained and destroyed after thirty(30) days.
- At the conclusion of each draw,the WEEKLY Winner will be contacted by a bona fide member of the RenfrewVictoria Hospital Foundation and the WEEKLY Winner will be announced publicallyon our FACEBOOK Page; Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation, on our website and on ourdedicated Catch the Ace website at
- All weekly winners along withassociated weekly prize allocations and Progressive Jackpot will be availableto the public on our FACEBOOK Page; Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation website and RVH Foundation dedicated Catch the Ace website at
- Winning tickets will remain onfile in accordance with the requirements of the raffle license.
- A record will be kept of alldraws, including the sequence of ticket numbers and other characteristics oftickets in play (colour of tickets, weekly identifiers etc)
- The Rules of Play will be madeavailable to all participants through our website on our dedicatedCatch the Ace website at and at the draw venue.
Chase The Ace Pei
- All funds raised, lessallowable expenses, will support the purchase of programs and capital equipmentfor the Renfrew Victoria Hospital through the registered charity operating inRenfrew, Ontario; the Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation
- The Catch the Ace report Form6044E, along with all supporting documentation will be submitted to thelicensing authority within seven (7) calendar days after every fourth draw.
More Chase The Ace Images
- Any and all concerns orcomplaints with this process are to be brought to the attention of thelicensee: Renfrew Victoria HospitalFoundation, 499 Raglan St N, Renfrew, ON K7V 1P6
The Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundationreserves the right to publish a photo and/or name of the winning ticket holdereach week on our Facebook page, website and any or all local media outlets atour discretion.
The published RULES OF PLAY may beupdated as the Draw takes place, and as such will be posted at the location ofthe draw.
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Built to Help You Succeed
We're in this together.
At The Lotto Factory we believe that your success is our success. We've built a lightning fast platform that helps you raise the necessary funds to support your organization.

Streamline your organization's fundraising efforts with our all-in-one online Chase the Ace.
Setup is Easy
We'll do most of the heavy lifting for you and walk you through the rest.
Reduce Overhead
Improve Chase the Ace draw efficiency, reduce overhead, and increase profit margins.
Draws Can Grow Week to Week
The Lotto Factory Chase the Ace platform provides your charity/not for profit with the ability to setup the type and frequency of draws.
Make Your Campaign Social
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Responsive & Optimized for Mobile
Mobile outnumbers desktop users and we've positioned our sites as mobile first.
Personalized Content
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Chase The Ace Card Game - Best Family Games
Fantastic Customer Service
Need help or have questions? Reach a service representative by live chat, email or phone. Excellent service comes free.
Auto-Generated Social Graphics
Use our dashboard to save auto-generated graphics with your upcoming jackpot amount or draw results for easy sharing.
Our dashboard features robust draw and member analytics to help you track your performance.
Display Screen
Have TVs for promotional material at your venue? Easily display your current jackpot on the screen with information on how to play.
Feel good features aside...
Here's a look at some of the really important things that you need to know.
20% platform license fee
No hidden costs. No setup fees. $50 monthly platform subscription fee + 20% per transaction. Simple and Easy.
Safe + Secure
Our platform is fully PCI compliant and provides SSL security. We maintain tight security so you don’t have to worry.
Pay via Credit Card

Players pay-as-they-go via credit card in a few quick steps. We do not store their credit card information. Safe and secure.
Automated Emails
Automatically send weekly draw results to members and winner confirmation emails. Manually trigger purchase reminders.
Certified RNG
Our random number generator is certified by Gaming Labs International and iTech Labs; authorities in the gaming world.
Self-Managed Users
Users are self-managed. They can opt in/out of communications, manage their own tickets, see their purchase history, update their contact information, and more.