Dream Catcher The Range

Long ago when the word was sound, an old Lakota spiritual leader was on a high mountain and had a vision. In his vision, Iktomi, the great trickster and searcher of wisdom, appeared in the form of a spider. Iktomi spoke to him in a sacred language. As he spoke, Iktomi the spider picked up the elder’s willow hoop which had feathers, horsehair, beads and offerings on it, and began to spin a web. He spoke to the elder about the cycles of life, how we begin our lives as infants, move on through childhood and on to adulthood. Finally we go to old age where we must be taken care of as infants, completing the cycle.

Dream Catcher holidays provides all sort of holiday packages & makes every one holiday dream destination come true We are proud of the fact, We have a highly trained & motivated team of coordinators are always driven & experienced on what they offer. The Dream Catcher Hanging Toy gives owners the opportunity to offer a boredom breaker at any level of their pet's enclosure by hanging the toy within it. Made from natural materials and non-toxic dyes, the Dream Catcher Hanging Toy includes hanging carrots and sweetcorn and will provide hours of entertainment for your furry friend. The legend of the dream catcher comes from the Lakota tribe, an ethnic group that encompasses part of the Sioux and lives on the banks of the Missouri River in the USA. They’re the same people who starred in Dances with Wolves, a film that shows part of their customs and rituals. The Lakota have a divine figure they call Iktomi. In Alameda County, estimates range from 1,500 to 3,000 of the number of people ages 13-18 who are homeless or unstably housed. DreamCatcher’s comprehensive constellation of programs is designed to serve these youth by connecting them to stable housing, consistent resources, community and peer supports.


But, Iktomi said as he continued to spin his web, in each time of life there are many forces, some good and some bad. If you listen to the good forces, they will steer you in the right direction. But, if you listen to the bad forces, they’ll steer you in the wrong direction and may hurt you. So these forces can help, or can interfere with the harmony of Nature. While the spider spoke, he continued to weave his web.

When Iktomi finished speaking, he gave the elder the web and said, The web is a perfect circle with a hole in the center. Use the web to help your people reach their goals, making good use of their ideas, dreams and visions. If you believe in the great spirit, the web will catch your good ideas and the bad ones will go through the hole.

Dream Catcher Wall Art The Range

The elder passed on his vision onto the people and now many Indian people have a dream catcher above their bed to sift their dreams and visions. The good is captured in the web of life and carried with the people, but the evil in their dreams drops through the hole in the web and are no longer a part of their lives. It is said the dream catcher holds the destiny of the future.