Indian Poker

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Indian Poker
  • One-Card Poker - Match Pot Betting - Two or more cards


The basic idea of Indian Poker, also sometimes known as Blind Man's Buff, is that players hold their cards on their foreheads facing away from them, so that they can see all the other players' cards but not their own. The name Indian Poker is used for several games with this feature, played with different numbers of cards and different betting systems. The game has nothing whatever to do with India. The name comes from the notion that cards held to the players' heads somehow resemble a Native American headdress or war bonnet.

One-Card Poker

In the most basic, and presumably the original version of this game, the players ante and are dealt just one card each, face down. The players pick up their cards, being careful to keep them facing outwards so that no one knows what their own card is, and hold them against their forehads so that all other players can see their values. There is then a round of poker betting and in the showdown the highest card of those who have not folded wins the pot. If several players tie for highest they share the pot - there is no order of suits in this game.

It is also possible to play that the lowest card wins (which makes no real difference to the game), or that the highest and lowest cards share the pot.

Match Pot Betting

One-Card Poker is often played with match pot betting, as in Guts. Players declare, either sequentially or simultaneously as agreed, whether they will stay in or drop out. The player with the best card of those who stayed in takes the pot and any others who stayed in must match the pot.

Two Card Indian Poker

Unlike Guts itself, Indian poker is slightly more interesting with simultaneous declaration than with sequential declaration: when they have to declare at the same time, there is the possibility that two players with high cards will both drop out, each seeing the other's card and assuming they are beaten, while other players may predict that this is likely to happen and take advantage of it.

How To Play Poker

Two or more cards

The same game can be played dealing two, three or more cards to each player, but this extra complexity does not make the game any more interesting. You can see how good everyone else's hand is, so it's just a question of guessing from their actions how good your cards might be, while attempting not to reveal to them what you know of their cards.

Indian Stud Poker

This game is played exactly like seven-card stud, except that each player takes the first card that they were dealt and puts it to their forehead without looking at it. This card, visible only to the other players, and all other cards of the same rank are wild for the owner of the card (who is the only player who does not know what it is).

The deal, betting and showdown continue as in Seven-card Stud.

Indian Texas Hold'em

This game is played the exactly same way as Texas Hold'em except that players must not look at their two hole cards. Instead they place these two cards on their foreheads so that all the other players can see them. After the first betting round, the flop, turn and river are dealt face up to the table in the usual way, each followed by a further betting round.

The game of Poker is not a new trend among those who love to play cards. In fact, Poker and drinking games are common among friends who want to have some fun and enjoy the company of each other during a house party.

Variation Of Poker

A number of variations of the game of Poker have been used to conduct different drinking games all around the world. One of these is the Indian Poker, which has become a popular variation of the classic Poker game that people love.

Basically, these games are played at special occasions like parties in which alcoholic beverages are made available during the game. As a matter of fact, it is considered a requirement to attain ultimate gameplay.

Moreover, six to ten persons can make this game even more exciting. Many people like this type of game because they are able to read faces. Literally, they can predict which cards can best give them an advantage and which do not based on the reactions on the faces of other players.

So one important question when playing this game is how well you can hold on a straight face when your opponent keeps raising while holding the 2 or hearts.

Blind Man’s Bluff

Indian Poker is also referred to as Blind Man’s Bluff, which is also a classic variation of the game of Poker. The history of Blind Man’s Bluff dates back 2,000 years ago in Greece with a number of variations all around Europe.

It is called blind fly in Italy, blind cow in Germany, blind buck in Sweden, blind hen in Spain, and colin-maillard in France. Basically, it requires one player to be blindfolded while being spun around a number of times.

The rest of the players will dodge away from him or her as they call out to the blind man amusingly. A player caught or touched by the blind man will take on the blindfold. But sometimes the blind man must be able to identify that person before he or she goes free.

How to play poker

How To Play Indian Poker

In order to play the game, each player will put an ante, which is usually 1 dollar to get started.

  • First, the dealer will have to deal the cards using a deck of cards to each of the players around the table
  • Players will be required to put the card face up on their forehead using one hand. So all players will be able to see except their own cards. These cards will remain there until the round ends. If a player will be tempted to take a peek at the card, he or she will be eliminated from the game and loses the ante.
  • So starting from the dealer, each of the players should place their bets or they can prefer to fold. The decisions will be based on what they believe is best for their own against other players.
  • When all bets are placed, each one will look at their hands and voila! The high card takes the money in the pot.
  • The game will continue, as the next person to the left will have to deal out the remaining cards. But the cards that have been used previously will no longer be counted. This will carry on until there is nothing left on the deck.

Rules Involved In Indian Poker Drinking Game

This is the part when the drinking starts to get really challenging. Since other players can see your card except you, it is your decision to make if you are going to join the next round or just fold. Just make sure that you have the highest card in the round, which should be an Ace.

The round will continue after the player to the left of the dealer has decided whether or not he or she will fold first. This will continue until everybody has already made a decision. After doing so, the cards must be placed on the table.

  • So the player with the highest card will win the round.
  • If a player has folded and had a lower card than the winner, he or she will drink 2
  • But any player that has folded with a higher card than the one who won, then he or she will have to drink the value of the card
  • However, anybody who did not fold and lost will have to drink the difference between their card and the card of the winner

This is indeed a fairly simple game that should be a great way to wrap up a night of drinking.

Overall, the game is fun, but it is always important to be responsible when you drink. As a matter of fact, this alcohol drinking game is not intended to make you sick because of the over consumption of liquor or alcohol.