Craps Card Game
Categories: Casino Games. Craps is a dice game and is one of the most exhilarating games you can play in a casino. It is not uncommon at all to hear bellowing and shouting at a craps table. It is played on a unique table and two dice are used. The dice are made following precise standards and are regularly inspected for any.
This is a party game from the creators of
Exploding KittensandThe Oatmeal.
- Feb 04, 2021 To simplify the game, instead of offering both place and buy bets, I offer just one for each number. Each number pays the better odds between place and buy bets. I refer to these as 'buy bets.' They pay 7-6 on the 6 & 8, 7-5 on the 5 & 9, and 39-20 on the 4 & 10.
- To simplify the game, instead of offering both place and buy bets, I offer just one for each number. Each number pays the better odds between place and buy bets. I refer to these as 'buy bets.' They pay 7-6 on the 6 & 8, 7-5 on the 5 & 9, and 39-20 on the 4 & 10.

Give us money and we'll personally
ship your game ourselves!
A 30 Second Tutorial
Split up into teams of two.
Privately decide on a secret signal with your teammate, such as touching your nose or blinking a lot.
Sit across from each other and draw cards.
Try to get four of a kind.
Try to communicate this to your partner using your Secret Signal.
If your partner sees your signal and yells
'you’ve got crabs,' you GAIN a point.
If an opponent sees your signal and yells
'you’ve got crabs,' you LOSE a point.
That's it!
you play with our
Imitation Crab Expansion.
It contains two wearable crab claws:
And one powerful
expansion card
Whoever holds the card
Must wear the claws!
In other words,
the more of an advantage yougive yourself in the game,
the more you start to resemble an actual crab.
Sweet Sassy Molassy!
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That's Terrific!
Because we would alsolike for you to
play this game right now.
If you order now
we'll ship your game

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Hearts Multiplayer Lobby
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The code for the table is:
Give that code to whoever you want to play with, they can use it to join. Or send the link below to them, if they click it they'll join automatically:
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has suggested that you turn off the timer for the game.
Congratulations, you won!
What is Shooting the moon?Rules For Society Craps Card Game
Shooting the moon is when one player gets all hearts and the queen of spades. Then they get 0 points and everyone else gets 26 points!